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Ira Levin’s Deathtrap: Read Through
November 13, 2018 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
In April 2019, the Mitre Players will be presenting a wonderful, award-winning thriller, called “Deathtrap” by Ira Levin.
Written in 1978, it is full of twists and surprises and will keep the audience gripped and in suspense throughout! It is still the longest-running thriller ever to have run on Broadway and it is often revived. It ran for four years in New York as well as four years in London. Julie Cumbo will be directing this classic play. Her full letter, including details of the cast can be read HERE. (or see below).
Read Through: Tuesday 13th Nov, 8pm
Auditions: Tuesday 20th Nov. 8pm
Rehearsals start: Monday 25th Feb.
Performances: 16th – 19th April
All at The Clubhouse
If you would like further details or would like to take part but can’t attend the auditions, please contact the director, Julie Cumbo – [email protected]
Dear Mitre Player,
In April 2019, the Mitre Players will be presenting a wonderful, award-winning thriller, called “Deathtrap” by Ira Levin. Written in 1978, it is full of twists and surprises and will keep the audience gripped and in suspense throughout! It is still the longest-running thriller ever to have run on Broadway and it is often revived. It ran for four years in New York as well as four years in London.
In “Deathtrap”, Levin takes the basics – murder, deceit, innocent dialogue with hidden sinister meanings, plot reversals with unexpected turns of events and has twisted and rearranged the pieces again and again. Much of the play’s delight is that there are many times when, as members of the audience, we feel we know exactly what the characters are going to do next but each time that happens, Levin pulls the rug from under us!
It has just one set, two acts and five characters. As part of New England, Connecticut residents have an American accent but not a strong one, and Helga has a Dutch accent.
I’m really thrilled to be directing this intriguing thriller which has quite a few bits of comedy, too! Please do come along to the read-through on TUESDAY 13TH NOVEMBER at 8pm in the clubhouse. Come along just to be sociable even if you’re not going to audition the following week.
A brief overview of the plot
Sidney Bruhl, a has-been writer of plays with the word ‘murder’ in the title, believes that Clifford, one of his students, has a guaranteed, gold-plated hit on his hands with his new play and so he invites the young man to bring his manuscript to his conveniently weapon-bedecked Connecticut home leading his wife Myra to fear foul play may be afoot.
The characters
Sidney Bruhl – a large part, he is on almost every page. Aged 40-60, he is polished and dashing, possibly wearing a smoking jacket. He believes himself to be the cleverest man in the room and likes to parade it. He wants everyone to know how smart he is. As well as being clever, he is devious. The actor must be able to do some physical stuff such as fights and falls.
Audition pieces: a) P.33 with Myra – “I’d be very happy….” to top P.35 – “Coming.”
b) P.63 with Clifford – “That’s it?” to top P.66 “….intriguing gossip.”
Myra Bruhl – a medium part, she is frequently onstage in Act 1 but less so later. Aged 40-60 (to be a reasonable match for her husband, Sidney), she is sweet, caring, nervous and has a heart problem. She is not as clever as her husband and can seem slightly foolish and biddable.
Audition piece: P.33 with Sidney – “I’d be very happy….” to top P.35 – “Coming.”
Clifford Anderson – a large part, he is in both acts. Aged 25-35, he is a mature student, is quite good-looking and will be wearing jeans and jumpers. There’s conflict between him and Sidney, each one believing himself to be smarter than the other. The actor must be able to do physical stuff such as fights and falls.
Audition pieces: a) P.63 with Sidney – “That’s it?” to top P.66 “….intriguing gossip.”
b) P.79 – “Goodbye, Sidney” to P.81 –“….in your debt.” (Mostly Clifford but Sidney is needed for a couple of lines.)
Helga ten Dorp – a small part but she appears in both acts. Aged 30-70, she is a psychic and hippy-dippy, in and out of the real world. She is involved in some physicality in the form of a struggle at the end. She has a Dutch accent.
Audition piece: P.85 – P.88, with Porter.
Porter Milgrim – a small part but he appears in both acts. Aged 40-60, he is an attorney and so a professional man, dressed in a suit. As well as being Sidney’s lawyer, he is also a long-time friend. He is solid and observant.
Audition piece: P.85 – P.88, with Helga.
Rehearsals start: MONDAY 25TH FEBRUARY 2019
Performances: 16TH – 19TH APRIL 2019
If you would like further details or would like to take part but can’t attend the auditions, please contact the director, Julie Cumbo – [email protected]