We are delighted that you are interested in being part of our highly successful society and very much hope you want to be involved in 2025 – we depend on your support and enthusiasm.
Full Member: £50 Introductory offer for first year joiners: £30
U25 Full Member : £40
Junior Member: £10
Patron: £10
To pay by Direct Debit please use the following links via gocardless.com, a completely secure third party Direct Debit provider. Read their Direct Debit guarantee here: https://gocardless.com/legal/customers
Full Member: £50 25 years and under: £40 Introductory: £30 (only available once to new members) Junior: £10 Patron: £10
Once you accept a part you must become a Full Member by the date of the first rehearsal.
To pay by BACS direct to The Mitre Players’ bank, quote your name as the reference and use the following bank details:
Metrobank, One Southampton Row, London WC1B 5HA
Account No: 14812407 Sort Code: 23-05-80
By Cheque: Please send cheques payable to “The Mitre Players” to Louise Gauntlett, 107 Hayes Way, Beckenham. BR3 6RR. [email protected]
If you wish to continue to support the society but will not actively take part, either on or backstage, you can do so by becoming a Patron. Please consider this option as we need your support. You can also pay by Direct Debit and once set up you will not need to do anything more to remain as a Patron in the future
For your information the subs income collected goes towards the following Mitre outgoings:
- Annual payment to TSSSC (clubhouse and membership) approx. £6500
- Annual Insurance payment approx. £1200
- Cost of newsletter printing and distribution and website approx. £500
- Rental of additional storage facilities in Nutfield approx.. £650
The benefits of being a member of The Mitre Players include:
- Eligibility to be in all our shows
- Reduced price to attend social functions, such as the Annual Dinner
- Use of the TSSSC bar & opportunity to apply for a pre paid discount drinks card
- Mitre newsletters
- Voting rights at the AGM
- Eligibility to stand for the committee
- Advance notice of our productions
- The Trinirt Club magazine
- Full cover by our Insurance policy
- Discounted rates for using our van and costumes
The benefits of being a Patron of the Mitre Players include:
- Mitre newsletters and notification of productions
- Patrons will have their names in all of our Programmes
Being a Patron of the Mitre Players is just £10 per year. This supports the continuation of our society and we would like to encourage you to join us in this way if you can no longer take a more active role.
Please remember to tell us if any of your contact details change especially if you are paying “electronically”. We do hope you will join us!